Principal | Landscape Architect
Dan applies his over 30 years of experience in planning, landscape architecture and land development. He is a register landscape architect in Kansas and Missouri, a CLARB certified landscape architect, and a LEED Accredited Professional. Dan has had the opportunity to provide planning and landscape services for a wide variety of public and private development projects, including public streetscapes, academic facilities, commercial, office and industrial projects, park and trail projects, and multifamily and single family residential. He applies his creativity and knowledge through all phases of the project, including preparation of concept, preliminary and final site and landscape plans, zoning and entitlement documents, and construction drawings. He has extensive experience in designing storm water quality BMP features including bio-retention basins, bio-swales, rain gardens, constructed wetlands and native grass areas. In his free time, Dan enjoys traveling, fishing, and working on woodland restoration and management at this home.
- Streetscape Design
- Landscape Design
- Plaza Design
- Amenity Design
- Project Management
- Landscape Architect
- -Kansas #512, 1991
- -Missouri #2001001877, 2001
- American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
- Prairie Gateway ASLA (PGASLA)
- Urban Land Institute
- Home Builders Association
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Kansas State University,1989
- Certificate of Planning Kansas State University,1989
- Wetland Delineation Training Certificate, 2003